You can check the development logs from here :
// v2.8.9 - 30.05.2024
- Fixed: Fatal errors on some templates
- Fixed: Video posts displaying issue
- Fixed: YouTube embeds displaying issue
- Fixed: Widgets area errors
- Fixed: Gallery lightbox content display issue
// v2.8.8 - 16.05.2024
- Fixed: Fatal error on Category and Tag admin dashboard pages
- Fixed: Reaction icons URLs problem
- Fixed: WooCommerce products prices displaying issue
// v2.8.7 - 17.04.2024
- Update: WordPress 6.5x support
- Fixed: Fatal error in “add new user” admin page
- Fixed: BuddyPress user dashboard cover image saving issue
- Fixed: BuddyPress group page members tabs fatal error
- Fixed: Minor fixes of styles and compatibility issues with WordPress 6.5.2
// v2.8.6 - 12.09.2023
- Update: WordPress 6.3.x support
- Update: PHP8.1 support
- Update: Woocommerce templates
- Update: Zombify plugin to 1.7.0 and Gamify to 1.3.4
- Update: Kirki customizer
- Improvement: Replaced Wordpress Social Login plugin to Nextend Social login, but saved compatibility to Wordpress Social Login
- Drop: AdSense Integration WP QUADS PRO plugin support